
St. Thecla Athletics and the CYO provides an opportunity for students in grades 5th-8th, to play softball. Parishioners and students, of all skill levels, are welcome.


Girls in grades 5th-8th are welcome. Students in 4th grade will be invited to participate if more participants are needed.


Practices (either indoor or outdoor) will begin in mid March and concludes at the end of May.


Practices and home games will be held at St. Thecla Field located in the back of the school. Indoor practices will be held in the gym. Away games will take place at other CYO schools/parishes in the area.


Practices are 2-3 times a week, until games begin. Times are yet to be determined.


Teams will play 8-10 games during the course of the season.


Uniforms will be issued to each participant and must be returned at the conclusion of the season.

Extra Costs

Participants must provide their own glove. They also have the option to bring their own helmet and fielding mask.

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